Dicen de nosotros

LP Magazine

Aprile 2019

New installation to BASK

JSN International

Marzo 2019

A visit to IMA Asia


November 2018

Interview with Mr. Sardini

JSN International

Ottobre 2018

New IMA Cutting Machine Series

JSN International

Dicembre 2017

IMA celebrates its 40th anniversary at new renovated Headquarters & Factory in Italy

LP Magazine

Dicembre 2017

I am IMA I am innovation


Dicembre 2017

Ima S.P.A., Marks 40 years of its inception in a grand event

Ima S.P.A., Italy, Celebrates its 40th Anniversary with Presentation of New Cutting Machine

Perfect Sourcing

Dicembre 2017

Ima spa celebrates 40 years of epochal journey

Corriere della Sera

Dicembre 2017

Palazzolo, il ghota del tessile ai 40 anni di Ima

Dialog Textil

Dicembre 2017

IMA la 40 de ani

Apparel Resources

Dicembre 2017

IMA SpA Celebrates 40th anniversary, launches Typhoon 70 cutter

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