Un nuevo hogar para la industria de la confección

Cuarto # IMAwebinars2021 celebrado el 16 de diciembre

Denim y materiales compuestos: última cita con # IMAwebinars2021


Are you ready for the fourth and final event of #IMAwebinars2021?

We have reached the final appointment of this difficult year full of challenges, but also of great opportunities.

With these premises, in the next seminar we decided to focus on a decidedly complex sector: denim and composite materials. What better challenge to show that, once again, IMA is present and is always ready to improve, to look forward: #alwaysahead is our catchphrase.

Denim and composite materials, by their very nature, are fabrics that are complicated to treat: textures that contain various pitfalls for those who, like IMA, produce highly technological machinery. Also due to the pandemic, we have therefore tried to invest our know-how in different sectors, in order to find proper solutions also through the development and research of specific software.

Stay connected and don’t miss this free online event!


On 9 and 10 October the first edition of the TECNO CONF 2021 event took place in Naples at the headquarters of our dealer TAG srls and CUCITECN srls who in full synergy invited all their customers and not only for a demonstration on the machinery of manufacturing companies represented. From well-known brands such as Durkopp, Pfaff, Strobel, Complet, Rigomac, MAICA as regards the sewing and IMA, Macpi, Battistella and GMP as regards the Cutting Room and finishing & fusing.

For IMA it was a real success. More than 160 customers arrived in the two planned days and all those present proved to be really motivated.

In particular, a complete line of spreading and cutting was exhibited and the projection system for stripes and checks was introduced for the first time, which attracted a lot of interest.

We hope it is only the first of a long series of events in Naples market!


Tercer # IMAwebinars2021 celebrado el 23 de septiembre.

Sala de corte: hacia el paradigma 4.0

Sala de corte: hacia el paradigma 4.0



Here we are! The new #IMApills are coming soon…
In September, after the summer closure, IMA will be ready to deal with many interesting themes regarding the cutting room and concentrated in its precious #technicalpills.
#makethedifference, follow us on our social channels!




#IMApills #technicalpills


Segundo # IMAwebinars2021 celebrado el 4 de junio de 2021

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