Maxima SP
Always reliable and versatile

Maxima SP – paper and cardboard cutter and more – is the irreplaceable partner for all modelling studies and companies that need to cut large amounts of paper and cardboard for base pattern. Always reliable and versatile, it uses a vacuum pump system and is equipped with a blade for cutting and a refill for writing.
Management software is intuitive and easy to use and the costs of consumables are low.
Compatible with all CAD systems.

Available versions:
– 120: cutting areas 1220 x 820 mm
– 150: cutting areas 1520 x 1020 mm

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© 2022 – Cap. Soc. € 135.200 i.v. – R.E.A. di Brescia 218195 – Iscr. Reg. Imprese di Brescia P.IVA 00587080987 – C.F. 00905260170
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