IMA launches the new app “I AM IMA” to allow everyone to be connected to the IMA World, introducing the first digital event that wants to pay tribute to its Captain, Mr. Luciano Sardini

COVID-19 mayhem is certainly the worst crisis apparel and textile industry has seen in years but it has also come up with an opportunity which, if grabbed effectively, can open many doors for the industry for sustainable growth.

Walking across the same lines by sensing opportunities in these tough times, IMA Spa – a leading cutting room technology giant from Italy – has moved a step ahead to launch an app to stay better connected with its customers, at a time when travelling seems a not-to-opt kind of phenomenon.

The motive behind launching the app is to let the industry gear up for the upcoming first-ever IMA Digital Event which is scheduled to be organised on 3 December 2020.

The app is also a tribute to Late Luciano Sardini, Founder of IMA Spa, who passed away earlier this year in January. Speaking exclusively to Apparel Resources, his daughter and President of IMA Spa – Mirella Sardini, shared that Team IMA wanted to celebrate the achievements of its Captain after he left and decided to arrange an event in the presence of all its customers.

Presentare nuove soluzioni e aggirare le distanze, creando e facendo circolare idee, emozioni e valori capaci di tenere insieme una storia e un gruppo: per questo l’appuntamento annuale di IMA diventa un esclusivo evento digitale.

Un nuovo modo di stare insieme e condividere momenti importanti, utilizzando le moderne tecnologie per superare i limiti delle attuali circostanze, trasformando l’idea stessa di evento in una nuova esperienza.

Il nuovo sistema di taglio automatico Typhoon 70 di IMA

(Dhaka Int’l Textile & Garment Machinery Exhibition)
Bangabandhu International Conference Center, Dhaka, Bangladesh
8/11 Feb. 2018
As usual IMA is amongst the exhibitors at DTG 2018 held in Dhaka – Bangaldesh
In the picture the exhibition opening moment at the presence of Minister of bengalesi textile at IMA booth

IMA 920.70 is the latest innovation of IMA, designed for all processes that require maximum performance.
Structurally designed to have the digital control of every function: from blade bending sensors to counter-rotating masses to reduce vibrations, to a double turbine management for vacuum, up to the new “gantry” system for the movement.

The software of the machine allows to manage in a flexible way all the working parameters and contemplates all the mechanical news and software, increasing speed of execution and productivity.

International Convention City, Bashundhara, Dhaka, Bangaldesh
24/27 Jan. 2018
Ima took part at Garmentech 2018 together with Pacific staff

IMA booth in collaboration with Imposer

On Saturday, January 20th, 2018, a special event was held in Dhaka, organized by Pacific Associates, for all guests attending the wedding of Mr Sahabuddhin’s daughter. A day long exposure of Total Textile Solution.
A great opportunity also for IMA!!!.

NSIC Exhibition Complex, Okhla Ind. Area, New Delhi – INDIA
IMA/IMA ASIA stall no. SP-3B

IMA booth in collaboration with TDM

A profitable week-end for IMA which, thanks to its official sponsorship of #FTTH Congres National, was able to meet 450 tunisian textile and clothing entrepreneurs who gathered together in Monastir for this special occasion.
Really a great opportunity.

A special thanks to Sami (I.C.I)!!!


On November 24th, 2017 the big celebratory event took place at the new IMA headquarters, which was completely renewed and expanded for this occasion.

More than 200 guests from all over the world (in addition to employees and suppliers) took part in this intense day that had the objective of sharing the achievements and setting the point for a new beginning, for a new challenge, for a future even more rich in possibilities and excellence.
Also present some big names in the fashion industry such as Canali, Calzedonia, Lardini, Hugo Boss.

Thank you all for contributing with your presence to the success of IMA special event !!!

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