Cutting Projection System is a device composed of hardware and software that allows the interactive positioning of the pieces to be cut directly on the fabric. It uses a high-definition and high-brightness projector which is installed on an adjustable height support above the scanning area, located upstream of the cutting area, allowing the matching of the various pieces on the fabric design (stripes, paintings, writings and logos, drawings, etc.).
The program that governs the projector is able to read normal cutting files (ISO), manage free positioning on the fabric and return the new modified cutting file. It allows you to choose the colors and dimensions of all the graphic elements that distinguish the various pieces (external edge, internal shapes, holes, notches, etc.), as well as the thickness of the lines, in such a way as to guarantee perfect visibility with fabrics of various colors and also in illuminated environments. The system finds a field of application in all sectors in which it is necessary to match the various pieces on the fabric design (writings and logos, drawings, some types of stripes and checks, etc.).
Export to HPGL file (optional).